About the LMC
What is an LMC?
A Local Medical Committee (LMC) is an independent democratically elected professional representative body for local GPs, comprised of local GPs and representing the diverse interests which make up general practice. LMCs have been in existence since 1911 with statutory roles and responsibilities recognised by successive NHS Acts.
What is Mid Mersey LMC?
The Mid Mersey LMC represents all GPs (Principals, Salaried, Sessional and Registrars) in the four Place areas of Knowsley, Halton, St Helens and Warrington. The LMC was created in April 2007 by the merger of two previous LMC organisations, North Cheshire and St Helens & Knowsley, as a result of changes in local Primary Care Trust boundaries at that time.
The LMC is an independent self-financing body with statutory functions. It is not a trade union. LMCs have been in existence since 1911, and constantly modernise to work effectively with the changing NHS.
Elections are held bi-annually in line with the LMC Constitution. if you would like any further information please contact the LMC office.
Core Values
The LMC is committed to the values of:
- Equity and Fairness
- Openness
- Equal opportunities
- Representativeness – working to ensure that all advice we provide is representative of all GPs
We represent the views of GPs to a variety of bodies, most notably our four Place areas of Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington and NHS England Cheshire and Merseyside and to Local Authorities, Social Services, NHS Trusts, other contractor professions, patient representative bodies and MPs as well as national bodies such as the General Practitioners Committee of the BMA (GPC), General Medical Council (GMC), the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), local and national media.
The LMC serves as the link between local GPs and GP’s national negotiating body, the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) of the BMA. GPC policy decisions are guided and determined by the Annual Conference of LMCs at which the LMC is able to reflect local GPs’ concerns and aspirations.
Mid Mersey LMC is also represented at the BMA’s Annual Representatives Meeting where doctors from all disciplines of medicine meet to set BMA policy.
The LMC represents and advises on all matters concerning:
- GPs as providers of NHS services:
GP contracts, both independent and salaried, both GMS and PMS
The NHS regulations, the GPs’ Terms of Service and the PMS (Personal Medical Services) equivalent
GPs as providers of ‘intermediate care’ and enhanced GMS
Local Health Authority and Primary Care Trust (PCT) policy, including Primary Care Implementation Plans (PCIP) and the Health Improvement Programme (HimP)
The NHS complaints process and disciplinary procedures
Liaison with other agencies, including CHCs, local authority Social Services, voluntary services - Commissioning services:
PCTs introduce a radical new system of organising the commissioning of Hospital and Community Health Services (replacing previous models of Fundholding and GP/Health Authority commissioning) and the provision of General or Personal Medical Services by GPs
The LMC has the right to be consulted about the use of GMS resources by Health Authorities and PCTs
The LMC is responsible for ensuring that the allocation of resources is equitable
LMCs wish to ensure that GPs commissioned to provide traditional secondary care services are protected by being ‘approved’ and are properly recompensed - GPs as professionals:
Workforce planning, especially at a time of workforce crisis
Education and training – undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational training, continuing professional development
Professionally-led regulation and professional standards – ethical, conduct and performance, including clinical governance
Liaison with consultant and hospital colleagues
Collaboration with the General Medical Council and consultation on its major proposals
Collaboration with allied professions – local dentists and pharmacists
Collaboration with national professional bodies – British Medical Association, Royal College of General Practitioners
Occupational health issues, e.g. sick doctors. The LMC must be consulted on and approve local proposals for occupational health schemes for GPs and their staff
Liaison with other professions allied to medicine
National representation and negotiation
The LMC represents local GPs’ views nationally through the professional representative mechanisms outlined below:
- Local voices:
GPs can submit proposals to the LMC at any time.
In addition, proposals are distilled from debate at the LMC over the course of the year for submission to the Annual Conference of LMCs.
- National voices:
The ‘parliament’ for GPs is the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) which meets monthly throughout the year.
The GPC is the standing committee of the British Medical Association with full authority to deal with all matters affecting NHS GPs, whether or not they are BMA members. It is recognised by the Department of Health as NHS GPs’ sole negotiating body on GMS, and the GPC is attempting to extend this to PMS GPs.
The Mid Mersey area has two spokespersons on the GPC to present our views and debate key issues.
Throughout the year, papers are produced by the GPC for discussion at LMCs and from time to time the GPC consults all GPs directly through surveys and questionnaires.
- National debate and policy setting:
GPC representatives and LMC representatives meet annually at the National Conference of LMCs. Proposals from individual LMCs across the country are debated alongside those from the GPC.
The outcome of the debate determines the framework for the profession’s negotiations at both national and local levels.
- National negotiation:
This takes place continually between the Secretary of State and his/her team of negotiators and the profession’s national negotiating team. The Secretary of State’s team is supported by the senior civil service, the NHSE and the resources of the NHS. The profession’s national negotiating team is elected annually by members of the GPC, and is supported by other professionals including public affairs and relations staff.
During 2001, the Government has delegated responsibility for negotiations on the GP contract to the NHS Confederation. The GPC is also responsible for the submission of evidence to the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body for pay and expenses purposes.
- Local Representation
The LMC consists of GPs elected on a PCT constituency basis, and includes representation from GMS and PMS GPs, non-principal GPs and GP registrars. In addition, members are co-opted when appropriate; e.g. GPs with educational expertise.
The LMC meets regularly in full session and between meetings in executive.
The LMC sends representatives to Health Authority, PCT, regional office and other meetings where appropriate.
The LMC works closely with the other LMCs in Mersey Region to ensure that GPs are represented at this level.
The LMC regards communication between representatives and constituent GPs as essential, and is ever striving to improve this.
The LMC communicates with GPs in many ways including:
- Newsletters - distributed to all GPs and practice managers after LMC meetings
- Website at www.midmerseylmc.org.uk containing news, guidance notes, and more
- Professional meetings/seminars, conferences with key national speakers
- Information bulletins on major issues and summaries of national guidance
- Practice networking arrangements
- Open meetings; surveys
- Consultation with specific GPs
- Telephone, email and mail